Contact Killer
Annihilation is a contact killer that will not harm your plants or the planet.
25(b) Compliant
Annihilation is a 25(b) pesticide exempt from federal registration.
Simple and easy to use. Just dilute to the appropriate ratio, wear basic ppe, and apply liberally.
Eradication is Possible
Annihilation renders eggs, juveniles, and adult forms of soft-bodied insects ineffective and completely destroys powder mold. Annihilation will replace the need for multiple pesticides and the constant rotation between them. As Annihilation is so effective and harmless to plants, pest eradication, rather than pest maintenance, becomes the benchmark of successful application.
Active Ingredients:
Rosemary Oil…..........…1.7%
Clove Oil…………..........…3.8%
Soybean Oil.................4.5%
Inert Ingredients:
Water, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Soy Lecithin and Potassium Sorbate (Preservatives)
Ingedients are All-Natural except for preservatives.
Protect your plants from
Aphids, Barnacles / Scale Insects, Broad Mites, Caterpillars, Inchworms, Crickets, Fungus Gnats, Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers, Leaf Miners, Mealybugs, Planthoppers, Powder Mold, Russet Mites, Spider Mites, Thrips, and Whiteflies.
How to Use Annihilation
Annihilation at full strength has a zero hour return entry interval (REI) and is a contact killer that is compatible with any type of spray system. It is effective against Spider, Broad & Russet Mites, Thrips, Aphids, Root Aphids, and Powder Mold. To ensure complete coverage, spray plants up to 3 times within a 24-hour period. For young plants and unrooted clones, it is recommended to rinse plants 30 minutes after application. Annihilation can be used until day of harvest. Dispose of any leftover product in a drain connected to a septic system. Discard the product if the liquid has separated and is no longer translucent.
Commercial and Maintenance
We offer SOPs for the average joe gardener up to fully commercial facilities.
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